Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association



STP believes that it is important for our members who have an underrepresented identity or lived experience to have the opportunity to connect and engage with one another.

Membership in affinity groups is open to any member of STP.

Ready to join the conversation?

STP Members

1. Log into the STP website.

2. Use this form to indicate the group(s) you would like to join. Since adding participants to groups is a manual process, please give us 24- to 48-hours to add you.

3. Once you receive an email confirming that you have been added to your chosen group(s), visit the forum(s) by mousing over Diversity in the main navigation menu above, and then mousing over Affinity Groups. Your group(s) will appear to the right.

Not yet a member of STP or your membership has lapsed? Join us!

To leave an affinity group, email STP's assistant executive director at

To request a new affinity group, email STP's Vice President for Diversity and International Relations at with the proposed name of the group and a one to two sentence description of the purpose and goal of the group.

Responsibilities of facilitators for STP affinity groups

STP's affinity groups

Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African Educators [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

The AMENA Educators Affinity Group will serve as a safe space for affiliated members to share pedagogy-related and professional development ideas, experiences, opportunities, and resources. The ultimate goal of this affinity group is to further enhance AMENA representation and inclusion within the teaching of Psychology curriculum through the dissemination and exchange of high-quality educational materials and resources.

Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi (APID) Educators [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

The goal of this affinity group is to connect and support Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi members of STP.

Australian Psychology Teaching and Learning (AusPLAT) [Already a member of this group? Contact for more information.]

The purpose of AusPLAT is to provide support and resources to improve Australian Psychology education.

Black Educators [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

This affinity group aims to foster community, while promoting the professional success and mental health of Black educators committed to the teaching of psychology.

Community College Educators [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

This group will share ideas and experiences associated with teaching psychology at community colleges. We will work to share resources, improve student success, and provide members with a sense of community and belonging. This group will be open to all community college teachers, both part-time and full-time, as well as staff and administrators associated with the teaching of psychology.

Community of Care: Professional Resilience [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

Faculty mental health, compassion fatigue and burnout are critical concerns that can undermine psychology educators' ability to professionally thrive and deliver quality education to students. This affinity group will serve as a safe, welcoming container for collective healing and flourishing through shared narratives, inspirational readings, self-reflection and mindfulness activities.

Educators at Canadian Institutions [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

While there are many commonalities between Canadian and US higher education, there are also many distinctions that can affect us, our students, and our courses (including higher ed funding structures; pricing and versions of texts; legal or ethical foundations and historical precedents relevant to research with humans; student body demographics; and more) . This affinity group will serve to connect educators working in Canadian institutions to share resources, challenges, and supports unique to the Canadian context.

Educators with In/Visible Dis/Abilities [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

The In/Visible Dis/Abilities Group celebrates the range of disability experiences, both seen and unseen. We welcome those living with mental health challenges, neurodivergence (including learning and intellectual disabilities), chronic health challenges, physical disabilities, other disabilities, and their allies. We understand that self-disclosure is a personal decision and everyone's preferences will be respected.

Late Career and Retired Educators [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

A group for those that are retired or approaching retirement, focused on exploring strategies to sustain an active lifestyle and make meaningful contributions to STP and the teaching of psychology.

Latinx Educators/Educators at HSIs [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

Connecting Latinx Psychology instructors and instructors at Hispanic-Serving Institutions to share teaching and research resources.

Parent and Caregiver Educators [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

Having the dual roles of educator and caregiver often makes it challenging to sustain work-life balance and achieve career goals. Our affinity group will create dialogue on the challenges, opportunities, and priorities of educator caregivers while providing a community of support.

Queer Educators [Already a member of this group? Visit the forum]

The goal of this affinity group is to connect and support 2SLGBTQIA+ members of STP.


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